Novofilm GmbH

Poli­ce con­trol on the Auto­bahn “Wie geht das?”

Poli­ce con­trol on the Auto­bahn “Wie geht das?”

Speedsters, pushers and cri­mi­nals. In the ver­na­cu­lar, Auto­bahn 2 the­r­e­fo­re has very dif­fe­rent names: Some call it “War­schau­er Allee”, after all, as the most important east-west con­nec­tion, it is also the main rou­te for smugg­lers, gangs of thie­ves and car smugg­lers. For others it is the “high­way of death” becau­se almost every day the­re is a crash some­whe­re, and trucks are almost always invol­ved in serious accidents.

The­re is no such thing as a quiet shift for the Auto­bahn Poli­ce. Unde­tec­ted and with a spe­cial video vehic­le, they try to hunt down spee­ders and pushers every day. A task that sounds easier than it is, espe­ci­al­ly at high speeds, becau­se it is important to always keep the same distance. Docu­ment inspec­tors can use spe­cial devices to detect for­ged pass­ports on the spot, becau­se the trade in coun­ter­feit papers is also boo­ming. And cus­toms can use a mobi­le X‑ray sys­tem to check an enti­re truck for e.g. con­tra­band or wea­pons in just one minute.

This epi­so­de from “How does it work?” accom­pa­nies the Braun­schweig motor­way poli­ce. It shows what the Poli­ce Pilot sys­tem is all about, why regu­lar distance mea­su­re­ments are so important to avo­id serious acci­dents and how lar­­ge-sca­­le poli­ce and cus­toms checks work.

You can see the who­le film here
link to the film on YouTube
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