Novo Film for video mar­ke­ting and film shooting Hanover

Request your video pro­duc­tion now!

Came­ra, sound, light — we know our tools down to the last detail. We work with them every day. When we shoot, we are in our ele­ment. Novo Film stands for ima­gi­na­ti­ve, tech­ni­cal pre­cis­i­on and for aes­the­tic, memo­rable images — both in TV pro­duc­tions and image films as well as in the area of trade fair films and advertising.

We always want to tell exci­ting sto­ries, your sto­ries! Pic­to­ri­al­ly strong! Authen­tic! Emo­tio­nal! And all this in a pro­fes­sio­nal, but always rela­xed atmosphere.

This makes us a com­pe­tent and abso­lut­e­ly relia­ble partner. Your partner!

Media coa­ching with Novo Film — your pro­fes­sio­nal appearance in front of the camera

Press con­fe­rence, trade show, inter­view, tuto­ri­al: And all the came­ras are on you? May­be you still need some sup­port to per­fect your appearance? Or you are alre­a­dy a pro­fes­sio­nal in front of the came­ra and still want to stay up-to-date.

As jour­na­lists, our media pro­fes­sio­nals from Han­no­ver are in front of the came­ra every day. The tips from our coa­ching experts will make you fit for your next appearance!

Crowd­fun­ding — strong images con­vin­ce strong investors!

You want to win inves­tors for your pro­ject? Why not do it with a powerful film? Lea­ve it to Novo Film’s images to con­vin­ce your crowd­fun­ding part­ners of your busi­ness idea.

Cont­act us and we will work with you to crea­te a no-obli­ga­ti­on quo­te to achie­ve your goals quick­ly and safely.

Novo Film Han­no­ver — Your expe­ri­en­ced partner with media competence

Novo Film — Your expe­ri­en­ced partner with media competence

What does the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on look like?

Your film idea put to the test — con­sul­ting and planning 

In the begin­ning is your idea. Whe­ther it’s an adver­ti­sing film, image film, com­pa­ny por­trait, trade fair film, tuto­ri­al or pro­duct trai­ler — our expe­ri­ence and exper­ti­se are the basis for a suc­cessful and indi­vi­du­al appearance of your com­pa­ny at a trade fair or on the World­wi­de Web. In the plan­ning pha­se, you bene­fit from our exper­ti­se and recei­ve valuable tips and tricks to keep the film­ing effec­ti­ve and lean.

Our came­ra team in action — the shooting with the shooting sche­du­le on location

Once a shooting plan is crea­ted, we get star­ted! With the latest 4k came­ra tech­no­lo­gy, light and sound, we put your idea in focus and set it apart from the com­pe­ti­ti­on. You may be won­de­ring: Isn’t such a video pro­duc­tion ter­ri­bly cos­t­ly? Not with Novo Film! You don’t have to fear that we will para­ly­ze your pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses. Effi­ci­en­cy through a per­fect­ly coor­di­na­ted shooting sche­du­le is our phi­lo­so­phy and mini­mi­zes your time expenditure!

Evo­king emo­ti­ons — pur­po­seful­ly post-pro­ces­sing foo­ta­ge in the editing room 

After the video shoot comes the finis­hing tou­ch­es. Our edi­tors are not key pres­sers, our edi­tors love and live their craft. Dead­lines are not a chall­enge for us, becau­se they are part of our indus­try and are always met thanks to our crea­ti­vi­ty and expe­ri­ence. We bring your mes­sa­ges to life. Put your trust in us!

What does that mean in numbers?

What cos­ts should I expect for an image film, trade fair film, tuto­ri­al, etc.? What should I con­sider when plan­ning the bud­get? Our check­list gives you an over­view of what is pos­si­ble and, abo­ve all, what makes sen­se for your pur­po­se. We keep track of ever­y­thing for you, from plan­ning to shooting and film editing to the suc­cessful pla­ce­ment and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the film. Bud­get adhe­rence is no for­eign word for us!