Tele­vi­si­on was inven­ted — we take care of the program!

Brin­ging facts closer!

Entertainment at its best.

All for­mats from a sin­gle source: docu­men­ta­ries, features, series, sports shows!

Novo Film is an estab­lished part of the nati­on­wi­de tele­vi­si­on land­scape. We pro­du­ce reports, docu­men­ta­ries and news on behalf of ARD and ZDF. And we don’t stop at borders.

All over the world we are loo­king for fasci­na­ting sto­ries and breath­ta­king pic­tures. Our loca­ti­on is Hano­ver — our work­place the world.

Our wri­ters, came­ra teams and edi­tors make Novo Film a relia­ble partner for TV pro­duc­tions of all kinds and are a gua­ran­tee for pic­tu­re-per­fect entertainment — and have been for over 25 years!