Team spi­rit moves mountains!

Novo Film — rea­dy for any filmshoot.

A rela­xed, but at all times pro­fes­sio­nal atmo­sphe­re is important to us and our expe­ri­en­ced staff is the gua­ran­tor for this.

Novo Film is rea­dy for any shoot. Our came­ra teams cut just as fine a figu­re on the high seas in sur­vi­val suits as they do in tuxe­dos at the prime minister’s reception.

Unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on — anytime!

Jobs and training
in Hanover!

Are you a team play­er? We are loo­king for peo­p­le with new ide­as and give them a home.

We are loo­king for you for:

  • For­mat deve­lo­p­ment Web TV, free TV, pay TV
  • Trai­ning in media design for image and sound (from 01.08.2023)
  • Jour­na­li­stic work (rese­arch, shooting, post production)

Join our team: