Novofilm GmbH

Image film and adver­ti­sing film

Your com­pa­ny pro­per­ly staged — with your own image film!

Win cus­to­mers — streng­then mar­ket position

Make your com­pa­ny come alive!

Image films and com­mer­cials — your digi­tal busi­ness card

First impres­si­ons don’t get a second chan­ce! Whe­ther you are a start-up or a tra­di­tio­nal com­pa­ny, a craft enter­pri­se or a DAX-lis­ted cor­po­ra­ti­on — Novo Film trans­forms your busi­ness idea into expres­si­ve images. This way, your brand mes­sa­ge rea­ches exact­ly the right tar­get group on all rele­vant plat­forms and social networks.

Win and retain your cus­to­mers with your per­so­nal image film!

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