Novofilm GmbH


You can trust in that!

With expe­ri­ence and com­pe­tence to success.

For 30 years, Novo Film has been working with com­pa­nies from indus­try and com­mer­ce. Our cus­to­mers include Volks­wa­gen AG, Con­ti­nen­tal AG, Sympatec GmbH and the Lower Sax­o­ny Minis­try of Economics.

Thanks to its pro­xi­mi­ty to the media hou­ses NDR and ZDF and its many years of suc­cessful coope­ra­ti­on with many other TV sta­ti­ons, Novo Film always has its fin­ger on the pulse.

Bene­fit from our media exper­ti­se and take your com­pa­ny to the next level!

Docu­men­ta­ry “Hitler’s Wrath — The Child­ren of Bad Sachsa”

On July 20, 1944, a bomb explo­ded in the “Füh­rer Head­quar­ters” Wolfs­schan­ze in East Prus­sia. She is sup­po­sed to kill Adolf Hit­ler. But the ass­as­si­na­ti­on attempt, plan­ned by a resis­tance group led by Colo­nel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauf­fen­berg, fails — Hit­ler sur­vi­ves. The resis­tance figh­ters are arres­ted and exe­cu­ted, their fami­lies taken into “kin­ship custody”: 

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Die Nord­re­por­ta­ge: The Wildlife-Savior

Klei­ne Hasen, Mar­der, Käu­ze, Eich­hörn­chen, Füch­se oder Rehe — im Früh­jahr beginnt in der Natur die Setz­zeit. Für Julia Linz bedeu­tet das Stress pur. Sie betreibt in Ver­den mit­ten in einem Wohn­ge­biet eine ehren­amt­li­che Auf­fang­sta­ti­on für kran­ke oder ver­wais­te Wildtiere.
Zwi­schen 400 und 500 ver­wais­te oder kran­ke Tie­re kom­men Jahr um Jahr in die Wild­tier­stel­le Ver­den. Julia Linz päp­pelt sie dann wie­der auf, um sie am Ende im Ide­al­fall gesund und kräf­tig wie­der auszuwildern. 

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Poli­ce con­trol on the Auto­bahn “Wie geht das?”

Tar­get smugg­lers, spee­ders and gangs of thieves!

Speedsters, pushers and cri­mi­nals. In the ver­na­cu­lar, Auto­bahn 2 the­r­e­fo­re has very dif­fe­rent names: some call it “War­schau­er Allee”, after all, as the most important east-west con­nec­tion, it is also the main rou­te for smugg­lers, gangs of thie­ves and car smugglers.

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Fil­mo­gra­phy (excerpt)

Dream Hou­ses of the North: A house on a slope

The new docu­men­ta­ry “Dream Hou­ses of the North: A House on a Slo­pe” on NDR tele­vi­si­on shows the “adven­ture of buil­ding a house” in all its facets.
Julia, Sven and Emil have big plans. They want to build their dream house in Esche­ro­de, on a slope.

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Poli­ce con­trol on the Auto­bahn “Wie geht das?”

Tar­get smugg­lers, spee­ders and gangs of thieves!

Speedsters, pushers and cri­mi­nals. In the ver­na­cu­lar, Auto­bahn 2 the­r­e­fo­re has very dif­fe­rent names: some call it “War­schau­er Allee”, after all, as the most important east-west con­nec­tion, it is also the main rou­te for smugg­lers, gangs of thie­ves and car smugglers.

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Die Nord­re­por­ta­ge: The Wildlife-Savior

Klei­ne Hasen, Mar­der, Käu­ze, Eich­hörn­chen, Füch­se oder Rehe — im Früh­jahr beginnt in der Natur die Setz­zeit. Für Julia Linz bedeu­tet das Stress pur. Sie betreibt in Ver­den mit­ten in einem Wohn­ge­biet eine ehren­amt­li­che Auf­fang­sta­ti­on für kran­ke oder ver­wais­te Wildtiere.
Zwi­schen 400 und 500 ver­wais­te oder kran­ke Tie­re kom­men Jahr um Jahr in die Wild­tier­stel­le Ver­den. Julia Linz päp­pelt sie dann wie­der auf, um sie am Ende im Ide­al­fall gesund und kräf­tig wie­der auszuwildern. 

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Docu­men­ta­ry “Hitler’s Wrath — The Child­ren of Bad Sachsa”

On July 20, 1944, a bomb explo­ded in the “Füh­rer Head­quar­ters” Wolfs­schan­ze in East Prus­sia. She is sup­po­sed to kill Adolf Hit­ler. But the ass­as­si­na­ti­on attempt, plan­ned by a resis­tance group led by Colo­nel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauf­fen­berg, fails — Hit­ler sur­vi­ves. The resis­tance figh­ters are arres­ted and exe­cu­ted, their fami­lies taken into “kin­ship custody”: 

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